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Creating a Transit Gateway Attachment

  1. Select Transit gateway attachments from your virtual private cloud page, and then click the Create transit gateway attachment button in the top right corner of the panel.

    Create transit gateway attachment

  2. In the Create transit gateway attachment screen:

    a. In the Details section, select the transit gateway ID. Create transit gateway attachment

    b. In the VPC attachment section, select the VPC ID of the VPC that you created. Create transit VPC settings creation

    c. Click Create transit gateway attachment at the bottom of the page: Create transit gateway creation button

  1. The transit gateway attachment’s status will change to Pending and then to Available:

    Transit gateway attachment status

    Transit gateway attachment status

  2. Navigate to VPC -> Route tables and select the subnet where your EC2 will be running.

    Modify auto-assign IP settings

  3. Select the Routes tab and click Edit routes: Edit routes

  4. Click the Add route button. Under Destination enter the following address Under Target select your transit gateway.

    Add route

  5. Click the Save changes button to confirm the route updates.

    Add route


If you're going to place your EC2 in other subnets, then make sure to update to the corresponding routing table - (repeat from step 10).